I've been checking out on the makeup tutorial videos lately, so i think i'm going to show it with you girls and guys (if you love wear makeup, you can watch it too). I'll be turning 22 this October, jadi lama kelamaan saya perlu mempelajari sedikit demi sedikit untuk memakai concealer, foundation, mineral base powder.
Asila ada beberapa barang-barang makeup. Selalunya barang-barang ini letak jauh, kononnya "I don't need any makeup". SALAH! Kita kena makeup diri kita, jangan terlalu tebal, biasa-biasa je. Kalau sebelum ni, saya just pakai eyeliner and lipbalm kalau nak keluar dengan kawan, dating ke kan.
But, not anymore.
Here are my things:
Forest Secret ni kakak saya punya. Dia dah tak nak pakai, jadi daripada dia mencampaknya ke dalan tong sampah, lebih baik saya mengambilnya. Okay je! Liquid foundation Forest Secret ni mempunyai SPF30 yang mampu melindungi kulit daripada cahaya matahari dan lain-lain cahaya juga.
Hyper Curl from Maybelline.
Eyeshadow from MAC. I have this inside my makeup bag for almost 3 years now. I only use it when i feel like to use it. Kekeke.
Hyper Diamonds from Maybelline. This make your eyes sparkle like real diamonds. (.)(.) -----> Your sparlking eyes.
Lipgloss from MAC. This is limited edition from Viva Glam VI. I just love the unseen color.Sesuai untuk pergi class.
HyperSharp Liner from Maybelline. Tak tipu, if you wear this, you're gonna look like Liyana Jasmay. Pelakon kesukaan awak, kan?
There you have it. I've listed all my makeup stuffs. I try to learn makeup from day by day. InsyaAllah, maybe one day, i can be your makeup artist. :p
Tak banyak, sikit je barang makeup. Need to go to drugstore as soon as i get the money. You know, my money.
Before i ended my post for today, here is a video for all girls out there who wanted to try and get your freak out on how to do a makeup. SIMPLE. Tak perlu makeup tebal-tebal like you know Hantu Kak Limah Balik Goda Suami. Pemilihan warna adalah sangat penting. Natural color is the right for your skin tone. Good luck. :-)
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